Collabs · Haul · Makeup · Reviews

Makeup starter kit -Collab with ‘Sprinkle of Flo xo’

Hey Everyone!!

Today’s post is exciting for me! It’s my first ‘Collab’ post.  Today’s collab is with the lovely ‘Sprinkle of Flo xo’. You can find her blog here and Instagram here . Please go and check out her post over on her blog. We decided to do the ‘Makeup starter kit’ which is also exciting for me as it is my first makeup post!
As I don’t have a lot of makeup, this is basically all my makeup but there are some pieces missing if I don’t really like them!! In my opinion, when you begin with makeup, it is better to buy cheaper makeup to give you room to experiment. So here as my cheap (ish) choices for a make-up starter kit. I’ve really tried with my photos for this post and I hope you notice the difference. Anyway, on with the post!!

Foundation- Rimmel Match Perfection. £7.99 I personally wear 101 True ivory. It is really good because while it is a good coverage, it isn’t too heavy. There are so many varied skin colours which makes the choice very good

Concealer- Rimmel Wake Me Up. £5.50 I have to say, I’ve never tried another concealer but this is very good for me. It’s very good at covering the red spots/acne scars but not amazing at covering the under-eye purple bags. The liquid is quite runny and thin but covers ok.
Powder- Collection Pressed Powder. £3.99 I have to be honest, I haven’t really used this but it’s nice and cheap but good (ish) quality! There is again, a large range of skin tones so you can get one perfect for you.

Mascara- Collection Volumising Mascara Extra Volume Waterproof £2.99 I use this pretty much everyday, which for me is a lot! It is very good at volume but doesn’t clump. I like the brush as it is nice and voluminous! The only problem I have is it leaks a bit and its quite hard to get off your lashes!! (is that even a complaint??)
Lipsticks- Collection £2.99 These are nice and cheap but provide a lot of colour and feel as though they are also nourishing your lips. There isn’t a large selection but what they have is good.
Also the Body Shop lipsticks-£10.00- are very good and have stronger colours than the Collection lipsticks although they feel less nourishing and are a lot more expensive

Eyeshadow- Colours by Technic complete makeup palette.£12.99 It is a complete pallete (which Includes 105 Eyeshadows, 7 Lipglosses, 7 Blushers/Bronzers, 1 Lip Brush and 2 Double-Ended Foam Applicators. ) but I love the wide range of colours. I got it for Christmas last year so it’s a bit harder to find now . It’s defintley a good pallette to get if you’re wanting to experiment with different eyeshadow looks. I also like the fact it comes with all the other things as well.
Eyebrows- Sleek makeup ‘A new Day’ eyeshadow pallete- £8.99  So last weekend I actually went to a party (*Cheers*). Ok so it was my friend’s mum’s party but at least it was a party, right! Anyway someone actually did my ‘brows for me and I really liked them! So she used this and I love the fact that even though it’s eyeshadow, it has perfect colours for brows!

For Brushes I use the Hema mini makeup brushes-£3.50 they really aren’t expensive (and probably aren’t very good quality) but they work. I am hoping to get the ELF essentials 14-peice brush set for Christmas.

Thank you for reading, sorry if you didn’t enjoy this, I’m only just starting out with makeup and so my choices were quite limited!!
What would be the one makeup item you would suggest to beginners?

All comments returned!

Me · School

School Goals- Year 11

WOW, I can’t believe I started year 11 on Monday. I swear I was 11 years old a few days ago… It sounds so old and I’m in no way mature enough, especially if I compare myself to other girls in my year… I feel like Year 11 is a BIG year, not only have I got GCSEs next summer but I feel like life gets more serious. Like, you’re not just playing at life, this is an ACTUAL SERIOUS LIFE SITUATION. The things I do this year could affect the rest of my actual grown-up life. People older than me probably think I’m so weird for freaking out so much over this year, it’s probably no different from other years. But oh, well!!

Anyway, I think it’s fair to say I’m not a very popular/social person (for some reason, I seem to freak people out…:)) so as well as academic goals for this year, I also have some personal ones. Ok, let’s go!!


8.16.15 | 4:12pm | finished another set of quotes  for a book. my hand is killing me:
Photo from Pinterest
o   Improve handwriting, even in exams My handwriting isn’t bad… It just could be neater… Some of the girls in my year have LOVELY handwriting and it’s so neat and amazing and I just want that to be my handwriting. The boys handwriting, not so neat!! (No sexism meant!!)

o   Have pretty and organised revision notesI’ve been looking on Pinterest for ideas to help me stay motivated when it comes to revision and some of the notes are gorgeous and you could probably frame them in an art gallery and people wouldn’t look twice. This is probably linked to number one because you need nice handwriting for nice notes.

o   Get A* in most GCSEs OK, so I made a bet with my brother about my GCSE results and there’s £55 to play for and I can’t afford to give away that money so…He bet I couldn’t get all A* in my GCSEs and I bet I can. I have the recording to go with it! I got my first GCSE result this summer and, really shocked myself, got an A*!! I’m so happy so now just 10 more subjects to keep that up with… I’m not sure it’s going to happen, especially as I chose Latin and Music as two of my options… why??
OK WHAT THE HELL??? | 25 Studying Photos That Will Make You Want To Get Your Shit Together  [:
Photo from Pinterest

o   Do a speech in front of a large number of people I actually had the choice of doing this yesterday but it was in front of too many people for my first speech. The whole school, of about 1000 people, is too much for my first speech given that I can’t talk in front of my class without feeling very sick with nerves… Hopefully, I can start with a smaller speech (as a matter of fact, I have one planned for a week on Tuesday).

o   Go to at least one of each subject clinic As my mum keeps reminding me, my school provides a lot of help if you’re struggling or just generally don’t understand something. They provide clinics with the teachers, for each subject, at breaks for you to go to but the only time people go, is if they’re forced to. This year I want to go once to each clinic especially during my revision times later this year, voluntarily and actually get something out of it!


o   Make at least one new close friend who I would feel happy inviting to a party As I mentioned before, I’m not a very sociable person. I end up insulting or scaring away or hating anyone new I meet. I guess the fact that I don’t wear makeup and get glammed up etc. often (although I’d like to!) also give people a reason to hate me for some reason. I’m a quite shy person, or seem like it to the untrained eye, but rowing in the past year has really made me feel like I have a lot more friends, even if there are moments I feel I haven’t. There are still more people to ‘explore’ and find friends in (wow, that sounds dodgier than expected!) so that’s what I want to do this year.

o   Get invited to 3 parties It makes me laugh when the girls (and boys) who I consider to be popular, complain about only being invited to 20 parties this year when their friend has been to 21. Err, HELLO! I’ve not attended a party in 3 years!! Anyway, hopefully this year will be my year! Most people in my year are turning 16 soon so there will lots of parties for that. So far this is going well with my first party next weekend, AND with people I don’t really know that great. Maybe a solution to no.1 has arrived!!
gorgeous glamping tent makes a lovely spa spot from love, sarah schneider blog!:
Photo from Pinterest

o   Spend more time outside/in the gardens at school My group of ‘friends’ (more on that later) spend every break time, winter or summer in the same locker room. It’s just no fun so this year, when the sun is shining, you will find me outside! I need sunshine to stop me fro being vampire pale, I can’t live inside!

o   Leave behind the people I hate OK, so, a lot of my friendship troubles all lead back to this one group of friends. I might write a post sometime about our problems but it’s got to the point where I can’t stand them anymore. So me and my best friend (hello Emily!!!) have decided to get away from them. Yes, so far, it means our lives are a bit lonelier but it’s so much better!! I want to make sure I don’t end up drifting back to them later…

o   Become less afraid of boys and popular people Some of you will probably scoff but talking to the ‘popular people’ in my year, especially my ex-best friend, scares me so much. I just find them so judgmental and can’t deal with it. It all comes back to by bad confidence levels but I really want to sort it out. They have no reason to scare me. Oh, and boys, they scare me too.
always wanted a library in my house with a roaring fire...:
Not my library! Photo from Pinterest

o   Be top of the library ‘Top borrowers’ list This is probably the geekiest thing on the list but, every year, our school library published a list of the people who have borrowed the most items from the library. I’ve never been 1st. I’ve been 3rd and 2ndin the past two years always just a few books away from the top. It’s actually sad how few books it takes to get on there. I think 5th borrowed 9 books last year and 6th was 2 or something!!

Ok, so I hope you are all having a splendid back to school/university/work time. I’m most certainly not enjoying the homework, thanks teachers! Let me know your goals for this academic year below and I’ll check back in with these goals in February or March.

All comments returned!!



15 things I noticed in America.

In case you hadn’t realised from my last couple of posts, I went to America for the first time this holiday. I will be writing a review of my trip but in the meantime, here’s 15 things I noticed that are different from over here, ost of the obsivations are from New York but some are from Boston.

o   They eat MASSIVE meals. Everything is massive, even if you only order a simple salad, it will still be too much to eat.

o   There were lots of buskers on the subway but every time they started coming down the carriage to collect money, it seemed to coincide with an announcement reminding people that giving money to them is banned. In London, I’ve never seen buskers on the actual tube although sometimes in the stations but in New York, there was at least someone on each train.

o   M&Ms are very expensive. Given that they’re an American food, it’s weird because they are so much cheaper in the UK especially one you convert it to pounds.

o   People recognise Girl scouts everywhere. Because my trip was organise through my guide unit we had to wear neckers (like scarves) all week and as soon as people noticed them they always said something like ‘Girl Scouts! Got any Cookies?’. Which leads me onto my next point…

o   They’re much more open to start conversations. Just standing on the train people would start up conversations with us. In England people would start worrying about stranger danger but in America, apparently its the norm. Also Americans are so self-confident. We had a 60+ guy give his phone number to several girls in our group (who were 15) and they were so sure they would get a text from them. They’re going to be so disappointed at the moment!

o   Not many cars but A LOT of Taxis. The only cars I found were all from ‘outta state’. I loved the Taxis though. I took so many photos where you can tell it’s obviously New York because of the yellow Taxis.

o   It took me a lot longer to find an American accent than I expected! I expected to walk straight through the door in the airport and to be greeted by a annoying American accent but it wasn’t until we reached our hostel I actually heard an American accent, and it was a lot less annoying than I expected!

o   New York was a LOT bigger than I’d previously thought. I had imagined it all as a walk from one place to another but everything is a lot further away from each other than I thought, I shouldn’t be so surprised because London is huge but for some reason, I thought that New York was a lot smaller but the metros were fast (and very confusing) so we could get all over the city for our sightseeing.

o   There aren’t many dogs but the dogs there are, are only walked in specific places. You can’t just walk them in the street. They had designated ‘dog parks’ which are the only places dogs are allowed off the leads especially as not many people have gardens. The dogs get there either in someone’s handbag or straight out someone’s car and into the enclosed park. Most of the dogs were small to medium as I imagine large dogs needed more exercise than the park could provide. I know my dogs would go mental if that was them!

o   They have weird (or amazing) flavours of everything. E.g. Pringles. There was Ranch flavoured, pizza flavoured, baked potato flavoured. What does Baked potato flavoured even taste like? surely that’s just plain crisps…

o   People in New York don’t know their city. We asked so many people directions, but they couldn’t give us directions as they didn’t know where they were. Granted, they were tourist attractions which the New Yorkers are unlikely to visit often but thank goodness for the free Wi-Fi to help us get around!

o   In most places, especially the more touristy places, water is a lot more expensive than any other drink, which is unfortunate for me as I only drink water. Most places that you had to pay to get into had free water fountains but still…

o   There are a lot of chain food shops and a lot of each chain. I think there is a ‘Dunkin’ donuts’ on every street/avenue of most cities in America. For the two weeks we were there, we only had one meal that wasn’t in a chain fast-food restaurant. It was a lot more chain-y than England.

o   There’s only 1 Primark in America and it’s in Boston. It’s massive and amazing. We found this out after a guy on the metro told me how much ‘larved‘ my sunglasses and I told him I got them from Primark for £2. We visited it when we were in Boston and it has so many floors. And the toilets are on the top floor, which isn’t great when you’re bursting!

o   The Americans LOVE their flag. Trust me, it’s everywhere! I swear british people aren’t that proud to be british but yeah! just check out this building!

I hope you enjoyed this. This just popped into my head: Another thing I noticed, although it’s the same in many other countries, is how much they love the Royal Family. I had one lady talk to me for half an hour while we were on a bus about how much money she’s spent on memorabilia (a lot!).
Have you ever been to America? Did you notice the same things??


Disclaimer- This shouldn’t/wasn’t intended to offend anyone!