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The Future of Life in Kateish

Life in Kateish was born on 12th June 2016 – 448 days ago.

I’ve had so much fun writing posts, taking photos and just thinking up ideas over the last 14 months but I guess you’ve probably noticed I’m not exactly the most consistent blogger out there.

I know its ironic that after a long post apologising for my absence from the blog, I then take another long break. I’m sorry, I’m sorry.

I’ve been thinking about me as a blogger and what I want from blogging.

I dream of one day having a following as a blogger but I know that won’t come overnight and I know it won’t come from blogging the way I do at the moment. It needs hard work, determination and consistency – I only have a bit of determination.

So for now, I’m going to blog the best I can.

A few days ago, I tried to go self-hosted but I didn’t give it enough research and thought. It was just confusing me and I felt far too out of my depth so I returned back to for now. But the few hours that my blog was over on self-hosted gave me a renewed sense of motivation.

While I haven’t become self-hosted, its given me the ambition to progress my blog and get it to the next stage on my blog plan (I don’t actually have a clear plan set out but I have an end goal so its sort of getting there).

I’ve said in previous posts that blogging acts as a distraction from school. Maybe this will mean that my blogging game will pick up, maybe it won’t. I’m not promising anything.

I find the thought of a schedule makes me lose all my natural motivation and I don’t want to get to the point where I’m writing half-hearted posts just for the sake of getting a post out on time.

So I guess what I’m trying to say is: I’ll post what I want when I want.

I want to post travel posts, bookish posts, beauty posts and more along with what I already post.

I can’t wait to see what my newly rediscovered motivation will bring and what the next year holds for Life in Kateish.



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