Collabs · Desert Island Disks · Favourites · Interviews · Makeup

Chloe Bee’s Life Makeup Desert Island Disks

Go and check out my previous Desert Island Disks with Erin here. Now over to Chloe!!

Hi everyone!

I’m Chloe and I’m so excited to be taking part in Kate’s Desert Island Discs series! Kate gave me a list of 9 different categories and out of them I chose makeup! So without further ado here are 10 makeup items I would want with me on a desert island! (In no particular order!) 
1. No7 beautiful matte foundation in the colour calico, this foundation is one of the best I’ve found! 
2. Collection lasting perfection concealer in 01 fair, I completely swear by this concealer! You can bet it’s coming with me!
3. HIGHLIGHTER OF ANY KIND !  Highlighter is my all time favourite beauty product and I wouldn’t go anywhere without it!
4. Revolution flawless matte pallet, this pallet is my go to for eyeshadow it has everything you would need for any day to day look!
5. Revolution blush queen pallet, this pallet is the same as the eyeshadow! It just has so many beautiful shades that you would never need anything else. Also they have a beautiful highlight in them! 
6. Mac velvet teddy, I’m in love with this lipstick! I only bought it a few weeks ago but it has quickly found a place in my heart!
7. Rimmel stay matte powder, I’ve tried many different powders but I always end up back at this one, it is just such a lovely powder that doesn’t make you feel caked but still manages to keep your makeup in place all day!
8. Benefit precisely my brow eyebrow pencil, like my mac lipstick this is a new purchase that I instantly fell in love with. The one thing that bugs me the most about my makeup whenever I do it is my brows! I’m just so bad at them but this pencil makes them a little easier to do!
9. Mac false lash mascara, I don’t actually own a full size version of this product but you can bet I’ll be buying one! I got a free sample of this mascara the day I bought velvet teddy and OMG ITS FANTASTIC! It makes your lashes so long and dark, it’s honestly just amazing!
And last but not least
10. NYX felt tip liner, I don’t really have anything to say about this product? It’s an eyeliner that works but I very much doubt that it’s one of the best, it’s just one I like to use!
Also my luxury item would be my phone! I know that’s such a basic answer but that’s what I would want to take because then I could phone and get someone to come rescue me and then I wouldn’t have to only have 10 makeup items! 
Thank you so much to Kate for letting me take part in this!! I had a lot of fun being on your blog! Hopefully this won’t be the last time! 
Bye everyone!

It’s been 3 interviews in 3 weeks but I promise next week (as it’s half term) will have a bit more variety!
As always, all comments will be returned! Comment on Chloe’s blog, tell me that you’ve done that in the comments and I’ll comment on your blog!!

Books · Interviews

Interview with author Carina Axelsson

I’m so happy that Carina Axelsson, one of my favourite authors and all-around amazing woman agreed to give me some time to answers some of my questions. For those who haven’t heard of her before, Carina writes the popular ‘Model under Cover’ series. To find out more about the series click here and to see more of her amazing life ( and her converse collection = goals) click here. I’m so grateful that she has taken the time to answer these questions when she is so busy at the moment with a new book and travelling all over the world!

Carina with her books

So lets get on with the interview!

1. Which MUC book is your favourite and why?

This question is like asking a mother which of her children is her favourite! I tend to love most whichever book it is I’m actually working on, but all of my books are special to me for their own reasons so I can’t really choose one! I love them all!
2. What is your favourite city/country you’ve ever visited and w
hich country is at the top of your to-be-visited list?
There are so many wonderful places I’ve been lucky enough to visit – and so many more I’d love to see! One country I’d really like to visit again is Japan – but this time as a tourist and not as a model. Iceland is a place I find magical – but then again I was in London last week and had the most amazing time! 
3, If you could have any accent what would it be?
I’m happy with mine!
4. What was your favourite part of being a model?
My favourite part of being a model was the independence it gave me. And meeting really interesting people was a great perk of the job.
5. What is your favourite casual clothes shop?
I like Office on King’s Road in London because I know I can always find a cool pair of Converse there – and Converse are the foundation of all my casual outfits! 
6. How many dogs do you have and what are their names?
I have four dogs – Wilma, Amber, Zadie and Jane.
7. If you could have any animal you don’t have, what would it be?
Horses and donkeys. And chickens. 
8. Favourite food?
As far as I’m concerned nothing beats the food in Italy! So my go-to favourite is authentic Italian pasta and vegetables.
9. Favourite colour?
Green, pink and blue. That’s three, sorry, but it’s the truth!
10. Favourite sandwich filling?
Peanut butter, banana and honey. Failing that, I had the most delicious truffled egg sandwiches at the ballet in London recently. They were amazing!
11.What is your  Top Tip for going back to school?
Honestly…my best back to school tip is to have a fantastic book to read because you can always escape the boredom or a bad case of nerves with a good book! And remember to tell yourself that school doesn’t last forever!
12. When will we get to find out more about the next MUC adventures?

Because I’m working on a Secret Project at the moment (shhh!), it might be a little while before MUC readers read more about Axelle, Ellie and Sebastian. But rest assured that there will definitely be more MUC books!
Let me know, what is your favourite MUC book or haven’t you read any (If you haven’t, you should!)
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Interviews · Makeup

Its-Annas-life interview

I’ve had the wonderful pleasure in the last few months of getting to know Anna from Its-Annas-life or defineandcontourx (if you follow her on Instagram(which btw she is very close to 2000 followers on).) I have to say I am very jealous of her makeup skills, trust me, me and eyeliner don’t get along whereas hers is PERFECT!!! She kindly agreed to let me interview her for here (and it gives me a chance to have her amazing eyeshadow skills on here!)

Lets get started with the interview!

Hey Anna! Thank you so much for agreeing to this interview. Ok, so first question: How long have you been running Its-Annas-Life?
I’ll have been running it for two years on October 13th!
What inspired you to start blogging?
I thought the idea of people reading what I had to say was amazing and I just wanted to express my love for beauty.

What your favourite post/s you’ve ever written?
My favourite posts are both my Autumn look books (2015 and 2016) and also my morphe 35k palette review (here)
How long does it take you to write a post?
It depends on the post but if it includes lots of photos and lots of linking products then up to a week (because of school)

What’s your favourite shop to buy clothes from?
H&M because their clothes always fit me the best.
What’s your favourite food?
Such a hard question because I love all food but I am a Chocaholic, although my favourite dish is baked beans and potato -best comfort food!!

I mean, how does she do this? I can’t even do a simple line!

Do your friends know about your blog?
Yes, at first I didn’t tell anyone because I was terrified people would make fun of it but now I really don’t care, my friends all know and people from school know about my blog and my makeup Instagram account and I realised it doesn’t matter what people think if it makes up happy.
What’s your favourite makeup brand?
I love so many for different reasons. I like the balm, too faced, morphe and sleek!

What’s the best freebie you’ve ever received thanks to your blog?
When Lola cosmetics sent me makeup products, I was thrilled!! (Read the review here)
If you could have any accent, what would you choose?
Welsh or northern definitely!!

What’s your biggest pet peeve?
Slow walkers and people that get in the way! They irritate me so much because I always walk fast
Do you have a favourite colour?
Pink! But I adore every single colour.

What is your favourite city/country that you’ve ever visited?
Cardiff will always be my favourite city and Mallorca has a special place in my heart too.
What’s top of your to-be-visited list?
I would love to visit America!

Do you still see yourself blogging in 5 years?
I hope so, I hope my blog will still be going stronger than ever in five years!

I’m so grateful to Anna for doing this interview with me and please go and check out her blog and follower her on Instagram. Her posts really make my day so yeah. Also let me know if you would like to be interviewed!
Let me know down below which is your favourite of the looks from this page.
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Favourites · Haul · Summer

Summer favourites 2016

Well, as its October, I guess you can say Summer is officially over 😦 So I thought it was about time I posted my summer favourite for this year in a way of kidding myself into thinking that it’s still sunny outside! Its going to be quite long so sit back and relax, but don’t worry, I won’t go into detail on everything!


  • Mamma Mia soundtrack- I went to see the musical at the Start of August and I’ve been listening to it pretty constantly since! My favourite, I think, is SOS. The songs just generally make me happy!
  • Ex’s & Oh’s by Elle King – I don’t really know why I like this but it makes me feel, again, very happy. I’m more into happy songs than sad songs because I feel that there’s enough sad in the world already (Adele is an exception!)
  • Cheap Thrills by Sia- I love this song and again don’t know why but I know it pretty much off by heart with my own added dance moves!
  • The Greatest by Sia- Another Sia song but who can really complain?! I listen to this because it makes me feel powerful (is it just me or does that sound weird?) and I listen to it especially before rowing races as it’s all about having power and strength and stamina.
  • Grace Van Der Waal- This wonderful singer won ‘America’s got Talent’ this year and honestly , I love her singing so much and think I’ve watched the videos on her youtube account at least three times each!
    • Dried Mango- I’ve always loved dried mango but I’ve been eating it a lot over the summer. I prefer the ‘Soft Mango’ to the ‘Dried Mango’ as it’s sugared (and less good for you!) and tastes less sharp.
    • Mars Bar Ice Creams- I hope I don’t offend anyone but I don’t actually like ice cream… Mars Bar Ice Creams are an exception and something my family buys a lot every summer. You always know summer has started when you find the ice creams in the freezer!
    • Banana Milkshakes- for the last few summer, I’ve been visiting as many different places as I can and trying their banana milkshakes. The best are the ones made of real banana, preferably with chunks of unblended banana in them. The least good are the ones that are artificially flavoured… This summer I’ve been really going for it with the tasting. The best are in Scotland so far if you’re wondering!
    • Ryevita- My breakfast nowadays is 2/3 slices of Ryevita with butter and Bovril. Its probably not counted as healthy but it’s nice, as long as you like Bovril!
      • Great British Bake off- I know I’m not the only one crying about the move to Channel 4 but I’ve been really enjoying this series. I guess it really shows us to appreciate things while they last! 🙂
      • Chronicles of Nadiya- Another GBBO related program, I really enjoyed learning about Bangladesh (which to be honest, I didn’t know was a country before) although I enjoyed the cooking slightly less
      • The Olympics- I missed a lot of the early medals as I was in America where they didn’t show anything but I’ve enjoyed watching it on catch-up and also watching the Paralympics


      • Boots Tea tree & witch hazel with active charcoal facial wash
      • Boots Tea tree & witch hazel with extract of berry jelly facial scrub
      • Collection Waterproof Volumising mascara – I talked more about it here
      • My new necklaces- For my birthday, I got two new necklaces. One from my cousin and one from my best friend, Emily. Emily’s necklace is a lovely ‘K’ because, obviously, my name begins with a K and my cousin got me a rowing necklace. I’ve worn the K a lot but am yet to wear the rowing one although I know I will wear it a lot!
      • Polaroids- This summer I’ve taken more polaroids than I’ve ever taken before and I’ve really started to love them. Of course, being me, many of them are too exposed etc but they really capture the moment.
      • FreePrints App- One of the girls I went to America with suggested this app to me. Basically, every month you receive 45 free prints (6×4 size). You have to pay for extra and postage and any other sizes but the quality is so good. In my opinion, the matte photos are the best so don’t forget to tick the matte box when you check out. For 5 extra prints a month use the code kemsley4 when you sign up.
      • Wattpad- I’ve been reading so many stories on here this summer partially because it’s already on my phone and therefore easy to carry around when travelling but also because there are so many good free books there!
      What have you been loving this summer? Let me know below
      All comments returned.